Passive income is when you work once but continues to get paid over and over again from work you're no longer doing. Passive income, in most cases is income earned from real estate investments or true businesses owned and operated independent of your personal involvement. Investing in or creating true assets that provide passive income for you is your ticket to wealth. To gain financial freedom you need this cash flow from 'Passive Income'.
To put it simply, passive income is income that continues to generate money for you even when you have stopped working. For example, your rental income is a good source of passive income. If you own a house and you rent it out, you will continue to receive your rental income for as long as you have a tenant, regardless of whether you work or not. Similarly, if you invest in unit trusts and it generates dividends for you, the dividends are your passive income. Bank Interest is another common example of passive income.
Passive income is payments that you receive from the assets you have created. These payments usually come monthly, and require little or no work for you to receive them. Some types of assets that produce passive income are rental properties, dividend stocks, and businesses. Assets that produce passive income continue to do so until the asset is liquidated (sold). Passive income is what makes a person rich. If a person has more than enough passive income to cover his or her expenses, that person is rich.
To put it simply, passive income is income that continues to generate money for you even when you have stopped working. For example, your rental income is a good source of passive income. If you own a house and you rent it out, you will continue to receive your rental income for as long as you have a tenant, regardless of whether you work or not. Similarly, if you invest in unit trusts and it generates dividends for you, the dividends are your passive income. Bank Interest is another common example of passive income.
Passive income is payments that you receive from the assets you have created. These payments usually come monthly, and require little or no work for you to receive them. Some types of assets that produce passive income are rental properties, dividend stocks, and businesses. Assets that produce passive income continue to do so until the asset is liquidated (sold). Passive income is what makes a person rich. If a person has more than enough passive income to cover his or her expenses, that person is rich.